List of Conference Papers (No.77-)

No.118 (May 31, 2024), National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics

  • NAKAMURA Gyo: Language changes among Japanese internal immigrants to the Kansai region due to contact with the Kansai dialect: Analysis of conversation data
  • KAMBAYASHI Aoi: A case analysis of language practice by young adults from Osaka living in the Tokyo metropolitan area
  • ENOMOTO Akira: On the dynamics of word accent in Aichi prefecture
  • SAKAI Mika: A proposed methodology for generating Japanese-Ryukyuan languages and dialects: A case study of the Kagoshima dialect
  • CELIK Kenan, OGINO Chisako, IGARASHI Yosuke: Tonogenesis in the western dialects of Iriomote Island, Yaeyama
  • SATO Eisaku, KUBO Hiromasa, MIYAOKA Hiroshi: The ¡Èmitsugana¡É system of the Yokobori dialect, Ehime prefecture
  • OGINO Chisako: About the demonstrative system of the Kuroshima dialect of Yaeyama
  • MATSUMARU Michio: The uses of the sentence-final particle =gana in the Kyoto City dialect

No.117 (October 21, 2023), online

  • MOLARIUS Milla: Dialect in LINE chat conversations of youth from the West Mino area of Gifu prefecture
  • TOGI Yuta: The referential range and typicality of kōko, a word for a type of pickles in the Toyoshima dialect of Kure city, Hiroshima prefecture: With a focus on occupational variation
  • TSUBOI Nao: A diachronic consideration of the honorific form (ya)nsu in Nagahama city, Shiga
  • NOMA Jumpei: The function of da in the Izumo dialect compared with noda
  • CHICO Sayumi: An analysis of language-internal and language-external factors affecting the ¡Èsei-daku¡É distinction in the modern Tsugaru dialect
  • SASAKI Kan: U-euphony and vowel-length alternation in the Ōtsu dialect of Shiga prefecture

No.116 (May 19, 2023), Aoyama Gakuin University

  • YAMADA Haruka: The problem of not understanding dialect in nursing care: The case of Sendai City
  • MINEO Kaisei, TANIGUCHI Joy: Polysemy of Shizuoka dialect iinisuru and its usage
  • SAKAGAMI Takeo: Main-clausalization of reason clauses in the Kumamoto dialect
  • YASUI Kazue: Formulaic dialect used in Kamigata rakugo: A case study of ¡ÆKamigata Hanashi¡Ç
  • AKAMA Sakura: Distribution and history of dialect onomatopoeia: A case study of "crying in a quiet voice"
  • ARAI Saeko: Dialectal variations of shimotsukare, a local dish in northern Kanto region
  • ONISHI Takuichiro: On the Database of Linguistic Atlases and Maps of Japan
  • NITTA Tetsuo: The accent system and its distinctive features in the Yonaha dialect of Miyako Ryukyuan

No.115 (November 5, 2022), online

  • TSUBOI Nao: The actual usage of honorific forms by young people in Nagahama city, Shiga, and how their usage has changed: Focusing on the (ya)aru construction
  • BAYU Bagus Mahendra: Regional differences in prohibitive and request language behaviour among youths of the Kinki region and the Tokyo Metropolitan area: Suggestions for dialect understanding tools
  • SATO Miina: The actual use of dialect in TV dramas and the intentions of the producers
  • SAKURAI Yoshiki: Distribution of variant forms of words for OTEDAMA in Mie prefecture and the factors behind the distribution
  • KUNO Mariko, TAKEUCHI Haruka, SAKAMOTO Kaoru: Linguistic change and the geolinguistic distribution of Tokyo dialect: The New Linguistic Atlas of Tokyo

No.114 (May 21, 2022), online

  • NODA Tomoko: Two types of vowel lengthening in nouns in the Minamikushiyama dialect
  • HIGASHIDE Tomo: Analysis of second-person pronouns in utterance-final position: A case study of the Kyushu dialects
  • ABE Haruka: Developing a new action triggered by preceding action: The use of ¡Ènda + subsequent sentence¡É in Miyagi-dialect conversation
  • KAMOI Shuhei, SHEN Li: Switching of aspect markers by western Japanese dialect speakers
  • KUROKI Kunihiko, KATŌ Kanji: How to streamline the comprehensive description of a minor dialect: Create and manage a grammar, dictionary, and texts all in one place with ELAN, a language annotation application
  • SUN Yao: Functional innovations in the use of Japanese dialects: A study on dialect posters during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • SATO Takashi, TERAUCHI Masanao, OHASHI Arashi, SUZUKI Miri, TAKAHASHI Minami, NAKATA Miyu, NOMOTO Shiori: Production of and issues with ¡ÈGunma Dialect Karuta II¡É

No.113 (October 24, 2021), online

  • Presentation
    • KATSUMATA Kotona, OGAWA Akane, OSANAI Ayaka, KOBAYASHI Takashi: Form and usage of the interjection nandabe in the Kesennuma dialect
    • AIKAWA Daichi: On imperative forms in the dialect of western Yamanashi prefecture
    • KINJO Kunio: The ga/nu alternation and syntactic structures in the Northern Ryukyuan dialects
    • TANIGUCHI Joy: Language variation and change in the Shizuoka Ikawa dialect
    • MATSUMOTO Kazuko, TAKADA Mieko, OKUMURA Akiko, YOSHIDA Sachi: Language variation and change in postcolonial Japanese in Sakhalin, Russia: An apparent-time study
  • Workshop
    • OHASHI Junichi, NIKAIDO Hitoshi, TAKAGI Chie: The challenge of dialectology during the COVID-19 pandemic: Proposals from the ¡Èdialect research support project¡É

No.112 (May 22, 2021), online

  • KAJUN Sakiho: East-West differences in the awareness of what influences choices of language behavior
  • KUSHIBIKI Yukiko: Analysis of regional differences in the use of yoroshiku
  • NAKAZAWA Kohei, KAMIMURA Kentaro, KO Kaihei, KOHARA Yujiro, SATO Kumiko: A suggestion on a unified notation for modern Japanese dialects in corpora
  • INAGUMA Shiho: Ga-type sentence-final particles in the Nagoya dialect: Usage and prosody, gender and generational differences
  • OGAWA Shinji: On the suffix -tor which attaches to adjectives in the Iizuka-city dialect
  • HAYASHI Yuka, Life-welfare dept. of M.S.J Senior Highschool Okinawa Japan, YAMAMOTO Fumi, UEDA Hiroto: Language documentation of the Miyakoan dialects in collaboration with community members: A case report
  • NITTA Tetsuo: Accent and sentence-final prosody of the Southern Ryukyuan Tarama dialect

No.111 (October 23, 2020), online

  • KOYA Shonosuke, ISHIBASHI Shoji, TAKEYASU Hajime: Ongoing sound changes in Kagoshima Japanese: The relationship between the tonal system and control of speech timing
  • KIMOTO Megumi, ALBIN Aaron: A comparison of declination in the prosody of Tokyo and Akita dialects
  • KUDO Mako: A morphological analysis of onomatopoeia in Akita prefecture dialect using folktale materials
  • TSUDA Satoshi: Regional differences in event cognition and grammar-thought in temporal expressions

No.110 (May 15, 2020) at Rissho University (CANCELED)

  • Presentation
    • RAMADANI Annisa Rizka: Dialect usage and its characteristics in INOUE Hisashi¡Çs Aoba Shigereru
    • KUBO Hiromasa: Imperative expressions in the Ehime Matsuyama dialect: A descriptive and contrastive analysis of their speech functions and usage
    • TAKI Ryuichi: Non-distinctive two-pattern accent in the Uchinoura dialect of Kagoshima Japanese
    • CELIK Kenan: Description of the verbal tonal system of the Southern Ryukyuan Tarama Nakasuji dialect
    • KADOYA Takateru: Variation in the form /-wor-/ ¡Æprogressive¡Ç in the Ukumachi Taira dialect, Sasebo city, Nagasaki
    • OGINO Chisako: The humble word meaning ¡Èsashiageru¡É and the auxiliary verb meaning ¡Ènasaru¡É in the Kuroshima dialect of Southern Ryukyuan
  • Symposium: The World of Interjections
    • TOMOSADA Kenji: Explanation of the drift
    • ARIMOTO Mitsuhiko: System of interjections
    • KONISHI Izumi: Usage of interjections ¡½ the Toyama dialect ¡Ènan¡É-type in narratives ¡½
    • KOBAYASHI Takashi: Distribution and history of interjections
    • SAWAMURA Miyuki: Research method and materials for interjections

No.109 (October 25, 2019) at Tohoku University

  • SAITO Sumire: Regionality of dialect usage in LINE stamps
  • YAMAURA Harutsugu: Changes in the yes/no answering system used with negative questions in the Kesen dialect over the thirty years from 1988 to 2018
  • IWASAKI Mariko: The meaning and usage of ¡Èyoridattara¡É in Tohoku dialects
  • SAITO Keita: A dialect comprehension survey for the dialect dictionary for Japanese non-native speakers in the Tohoku region
  • ENDO Natsumi: The regional distribution of calls in the game of ¡Èrock-paper-scissors¡É and their characteristics in Nagano prefecture
  • CHEN Xi: The compound accent rule and separated compound accent in Keihan-type accent speakers: Comparison with Tokyo-type accent speakers
  • KAMOI Shuhei: The evidentiality of Kobe dialect -joo and -too
  • MORI Yuta: Renyo-imperatives in Western Japanese dialects: The origin of regional differences and a comparison of imperative forms

No.108 (May 17, 2019) at Osaka University

  • OGAWA Shunsuke: How were Catholic terms which has were used only by Nagasaki Christians propagated throughout Japan?: ¡Ôgentio¡Õ is handed down by Nagasaki Christians, while ¡Ôold believer¡Õ has new meanings one after another
  • OKUBO Tatsuhiro: On the hearsay markers do and sike in the Ibaraki dialect
  • CARLINO Salvatore: Pronouns in Iheya Okinawan
  • HAYASHI Yuka: Kakarimusubi-related phenomena in a dialect without musubiforms: An example from Tsuha, northern Okinawan
  • HARADA Soichiro: A study on comparative adjectives in Kuroshima-Agarisuji Yaeyaman
  • HEFFERNAN Kevin, SATO Yo: The remnants of u-onbin in Kansai dialect: The role of frequency and irregular inflection
  • KAMATA Nene: The accent system in Iwaguruma, Anamizu-machi, Hosu-gun, Ishikawa prefecture
  • NAKAZAWA Kohei, OTSUKI Tomoyo, KAMIMURA Kentaro, CARLINO Salvatore, SATO Kumiko, KIBE Nobuko: Regional differences in patterns of contracted forms with particles in Japanese dialects: A study based on the ¡ÈCorpus of Japanese Dialects (COJADS)¡É

No.107 (Oct 12, 2018) at Gifu University

  • KASUGA Yuki: The sentence-final particle yan in the dialect of Kurume city, Fukuoka
  • TERASHIMA Daisuke: The reinterpretation of Nan'oh Special Accent: Analyzing sentences with particles of Kesennuma Dialect (Miyagi Prefecture)
  • FUDANO Kazuo: The state, background and prospects for Okayama dialectal education in elementary school, junior high school, high school, technical college and schools for handicapped children in Okayama Prefecture
  • KAWASAKI Megumi: On the results of a nationwide survey on the use of ideophones with multiple meanings
  • SHIMOJI Michinori: A typological survey of plural marking in Ryukyuan languages and Japanese dialects
  • TAKAGI Chie, OKANO Kaori: Changes in a Kobe woman¡Çs speech styles across life stages: Longitudinal interviews 1989-2016

No.106 (May 18, 2018) at Nihon University

  • KAMOI Shuhei: The modality of -yoru and -toru in Okayama dialect
  • NAKAGAWA Hiroyuki: Usage of the final particle ¡Èteya¡É in the southern Ehime regional dialect¡§ Focusing on a comparison of generation differences
  • YAMAMOTO Sora: Regional differences in second person pronouns in Japanese dialects: Research using role-play data
  • YAGI Kazue and KOMATSU Tomoko: A teaching report on the ¡ÈKansai dialect¡É classes for exchange students studying at Ryukoku University in Kyoto: Learning from dialect databases on the web and dialect research activities
  • KAMBAYASHI Aoi: The usage of accent types between different casual discourses of young Kansai dialect speakers: Focusing on the proportion of dialect phrases to common language phrases
  • YOKOYAMA Akiko: Intergenerational transmission of the Kunigami dialect, Okinoerabu, Ryukyu
  • HAYASHI Yuka and CELIC Kenan: On the function of desubordinated converbial form in Miyakoan: A cross-dialectal perspective

No.105 (November 10, 2017) at Kanazawa University

  • YAGISAWA Ryo: The word history of Sino-Japanese word tozen as seen from dialect geography and philology
  • HIRAMATSU Mina: Shiyoru-shitoru type aspect systems in the southern Nara regional dialect: Focusing on the Dorogawa area of Tenkawa village, Yoshino gun
  • YOSHIDA Kenji, OHASHI Riho: Identification and evaluation of speech varieties: Differences according to familiarity
  • MURANAKA Toshiko: Aspects of dialect maintenance as a result of return migration: A case study of a ¡ÈJ-turn¡É migrant from South Kaga to Kanazawa City
  • IWASAKI Mariko, NATSUSAKA Mitsuo: A study of the dialect used by youths living in the Hachinohe area and the language activities in the local community
  • IMAMURA Kahoru, NIKAIDO Hitoshi, IWAKI Hiroyuki, MATSUDA Mika: Reflections on the ¡ÈSupporting Kumamoto Project¡É

No.104 (May 12, 2017) at Kansai University

  • Exhibition Booths of Dialect Education Activities
    • A1. FUJIMOTO Mariko, NISHIMOTO Satoko: High-school students make educational tools for teaching ¡ÈSasayama Dialect¡É
    • B1. TOHYAMA Nana: Perspectives and development of audio materials for Ryukyuan acquisition
    • C1. SATO Takashi: Collaborative dialect materials by teachers and students in university dialect education: Class title ¡ÈGunma Dialect and Children¡É
    • D1. KOBAYASHI Hatsuo, HANZAWA Yasushi: An attempt to educate students on their dialect in the area affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
    • E1. NAKAMOTO Ken, YAMAGUCHI Eishin, NAKAHARA Jo, NISHIOKA Satoshi: Incorporation of Okinawan language into textbooks and the practice thereof
    • F1. OONO Makio, KOJIMA Satoko, TAKEDA Kōko: Let's speak in our accent: A report on endeavors to maintain and revitalize local dialects in the tsunami stricken areas of Iwate
    • A2. SHIGENO Hiromi, SHIRATA Rihito: Practical fieldwork on the Amami-Oshima dialects by high school students: Working with the Kikigaki Circle in Kagoshima Prefectural Oshima-Kita High School
    • B2. YAMADA Masahiro, SHIMOJI Kayoko, NAKAGAWA Natsuko, YAMAMOTO Fumi, YOKOYAMA-TOKUNAGA Akiko, ASAKAWA Yurie: Port Language Revitalization: A community-based approach for contents-oriented language revitalization project
    • C2. KATO Kazuo: Dialect education for the general public through mass media and lifelong learning: A case study of Ishikawa and Fukui
    • D2. FUDANO Kazuo: The tracks of dialectal education in high school over twenty five years
    • E2. MURAKAMI Keiichi, TAJIMA Mikihiro, YOSHIHIRA Sayaka: Practices in educational activities on studying regional dialect: Collaborative activities between Ikeda High School and Tokushima University
  • Presentation
    • MATSUKURA Kohei: N-pattern accent systems in the coastal area of Fukui City
    • SAKIYAMA Takuma: Phonological changes in word-medial *g and *k in the Yaeyama dialects and their conditions
    • HAYASHI Yuka: On the detransitivising function of the passive/potential suffix in Ikema-Nishihara dialect of Miyako Ryukyuan
    • TACHIBANA Yukio: Compilation of ¡ÈDictionary of words in everyday life¡É and its description method: An example from Akashi dialect in Hyogo Prefecture
    • NITTA Tetsuo: On the Language of Ama-machi in Wajima City and Its Homeland

No.103 (October 28, 2016) at Tohoku Bunkyo College

  • Presentation
    • MIKI Yosuke: Picture-story show in Hachijoan: Grappling with language transmission activities using an oral discourse database
    • OOKAWA Kei, SAKURAI Yoshiki: Dialect investigation and educational effects on old terms referring to children games by Kameyama High School students
    • SHIOKAWA Nanami: Geographical and generational distribution of an honorific word sharu in the northern Kyushu dialects
    • KOHARA Yujiro: Forms and usages of the sentence-final particle mono in Miyagi dialects
    • IRIE Sayaka: Dialect classification according to phoneme distribution in transcribed data
    • YAMADA Takaaki: Two-pattern accent systems in the Yatsushiro area of Kumamoto Prefecture
    • MISONO Yasuko: Differences by age in verb negative forms in the Tokyo dialect
  • Special program for the 50th Anniversary of the Dialectological Circle of Japan
  • Symposium: ¡ÈSupporting communities through dialects¡É
    • KUNO Mariko: Introduction to the symposium on ¡ÈSupporting communities through dialects¡É¡¡**HANZAWA Yasushi: Supporting communities through dialects
    • KOBAYASHI Takashi: The Great East Japan Earthquake: Activities of the Tohoku University Dialectology Center
    • OONO Makio: The Great East Japan Earthquake: A report from ¡Èthe Project for the Revitalization of the Tsunami Stricken Area Dialects¡É focusing on the case of Iwate Prefecture
    • SATOH Kazuyuki: Utilising ¡ÈEasy Japanese¡É for communication in times of disaster: Think locally, act globally, leverage regionally
    • IMAMURA Kahoru: Dialects and their connections with medical care, nursing care and social welfare
    • ARAI Saeko: Dialects in local occupations: The case of the Nakanojo-machi Kuni area of Agatsumagun, Gunma Prefecture

No.102 (May 13, 2016) at Gakushuin University

  • Presentation
    • KUSHIBIKI Yukiko: Let's talk about dialect in dialect before the video camera! People speaking dialect in videos
    • KUDO Chikako, WATABE Naoko: Dialect that nursing students should know: The situation in different areas
    • INUKAI Ite: On Japanese Annotations (1985) in ¡ÈThe New Slavonic-Japanese Lexicon¡É(1738)
    • SUGIURA Shigeko: Distribution and functions of the sentence-final particle ¡Æga¡Ç in the Zenkoku Hougendanwa Database [ Japanese Dialect Database ] Nihon-no Hurusato Kotoba Syusei
    • MEZASHI Shota: Aspect, tense and mood of motion verbs in the Sonai dialect of Yonaguni, Ryukyuan
    • TSUDA Satoshi, ABE Takahito, SATO Ryoichi, MIZUNO Yoshimichi, YONEDA Masato and SATO Kazuyuki: Tense and aspect in the Tsuruoka Dialect: Based on a Survey in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture
    • OKI Hiroko: On declarative final particles and informational final particles in the Nagano Matsumoto Dialect analyzed by Speech Discourse Theory
  • Reports on the special program for the 50th Anniversary of the Dialectological Circle of Japan
    • MATSUMARU Michio: Development of educational materials using regional dialects, and a project on conducting dialect classes
    • KUNO Mariko: Supporting communities through dialects

No.101 (October 30, 2015) at Yamaguchi University

  • Presentation
    • TANAKA Nobuhiro: A tentative proposal for linguistic description of Grandparents' reminiscences as dialectal materials
    • MISONO Yasuko: Accent of Negative Verb Forms of Native Speakers' in the Tokyo Dialect
    • KIBE Nobuko: Zero marking of the accusative in Japanese dialects; A case from ¡ÈCorpus of Japanese Dialects¡É
    • YONEDA Masato, SATO Ryoichi, MIZUNO Yoshimichi, ABE Takahito and SATO Kazuyuki: How are the various grammatical meanings of case particle ¡Èni¡É in the Standard Japanese expressed in the contemporary Tsuruoka Dialect? : Focusing on the usages of the case particle ¡Èsa¡É
  • Reports on special program for the 50th Anniversary of the Dialectological Circle of Japan
    • MATSUMARU Michio: Development of educational materials using regional dialects, and a project on conducting dialect classes; An interim report
    • NAKAI Seiichi: Summer Seminar --- Experiencing dialectological surveys for the first time; An implementation report

No.100 (May 22, 2015) at Konan University

  • Keynote
    • SATO Ryoichi: Looking back over 50 years of Dialectological Circle of Japan
  • Special projects: An introduction
    • TSUZOME Naoya: Special exhibition ¡ÈThe history of dialectology¡É
    • MATSUMARU Michio, NAKAI Seiichi and KUNO Mariko: 50th anniversary special projects ¡ÈDialectology for the future¡É
    • HIDAKA Koichiro: Slide show ¡È50 years of Dialectological Circle of Japan¡É
  • Symposium ¡ÈDialectology: The past, the present, and the future¡É
    • HIDAKA Mizuho: The aim of the symposium
    • INOUE Fumio, SANADA Shinji, KIBE Nobuko, ONISHI Takuichiro and KONISHI Izumi: Trends in dialectology
    • AOKI Hirofumi, MATSUMOTO Kazuko and SHIMAMURA Takanori: Trends in the neighboring fields and their interface with dialectology
  • Poster Session
    • KUDO Chikako and WATABE Naoko: The actual situation of the dialect in which students have difficulty in understanding a nursing scene
    • SAKAI Masashi: Creating a typology of honorific usage by GAJ
    • SAKOGUCHI Yukako: Trends of change in the language of the Seto inland sea region: A study on the sensuality of the Linguistic Atlas of the Seto Inland Sea
    • SASAKI Kan: On the origin of the dative case particle ɡe in the Kanto district
    • SATO Takashi and TOMIOKA Nozomi: Dialect education using ¡ÈGumma Dialect Karuta¡É: Considering dialect education from practice
    • NIKAIDO Hitoshi: The validity of discourse surveying: Dialectical expressions on aspects
    • MATSUDA Mika: A study of the function according to the intonation of the second person pronoun ¡ÈAnta¡É in the Oita Dialect discourse
    • YAMADA Masahiro: Community based revitalization project of Dunan (Yonaguni-Ryukyuan)

No.99 (October 17, 2014) at Hokkaido University

  • KUBO Hiromasa: On Feature of Muzuki Islands Accent, Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture
  • YAMAMOTO Sora: Discourse Functions of Second Person Pronouns in Japanese Dialects
  • HAYASHI Yuuka: Research on Potential Forms in the Yoron Dialect: Focusing on the Usage according to the Grammatical Person of the Subject
  • ZAYASU Hirofumi: The Usage of Particle ga in Ryukyuan Pidgin Japanese, Uchinaa Yamatoguchi, of Ishigaki Dialect
  • SAITO Miho: On the Conditional Form ¡Èshattu¡É in the Setouchi Dialect of Amami Island
  • MATSUURA Toshio and IGARASHI Yosuke: Accent of Compounds and Loanwords in the Amakusa Dialects of Japanese
  • MISONO Yasuko: Accent of Negative Verb Forms in the Tokyo Dialect: The Case of Elderly Native Speakers
  • NIKAIDO Hitoshi, KAWASE Suguru, TAKAMARU Keiichi, TATSUKI Toshihisa and MATSUDA Kenjiro: Using the Municipal Council Proceedings as Dialectal Data

No.98 (May 16, 2014) at Waseda University

  • KOBATAKE Hiromasa: Dialect Distribution and Change of First Person Pronouns: A survey based on Two Corpora
  • UCHIMA Soshun: A Factor in the Consonant Changes in South Ryukyu Dialect
  • TOYAMA Nana: Benefactive and Passive Constructions in the Shuri Dialect: Usage of Causative and Benefactive Expressions
  • KUSHIBIKI Yukiko: Regional Differences of Diminutive ko in the Tohoku Area
  • TORITANI Yoshifumi and KISHIE Shinsuke: Factors in Expanded Use of the Negative Form -yan among Youth in the Kansai District
  • SATO Ryoichi, YONEDA Masato, ABE Takahito, SATO Kazuyuki and MIZUNO Yoshimichi: The Correlation between Familiarity with Dialectal Forms and Variation in Accent Patterns among Individuals: Based on a Survey in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture

No. 97 (October 25, 2013) at Shizuoka University

  • TAKAO Fumi: On the usages of negative converbal form -Nkute in Hiroshima Dialect
  • MATSUKURA Kohei: Two-pattern accent system of the Takeda Dialect in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture
  • HARADA Soichiro: On morphophonological bi-directional vowel assimilations in Kuroshima Ryukyuan
  • IMAMURA Kahoru, IWAKI Hiroyuki, TAKEDA Taku, TOMOSADA Kenji and HIDAKA Koichiro: Problem and effect on communications in dialect, centering on the medical staff of disaster relief of the Great East Japan Earthquake
  • IWAKI Hiroyuki, IMAMURA Kahoru, TAKEDA Taku, TOMOSADA Kenji and HIDAKA Koichiro:¡¡A study of the dialect information leaflet for disaster medicine
  • KUMAGAI Yasuo: Visualizing linguistic similarities among survey points of Linguistic Atlas of Japan (LAJ): construction and quantitative analysis of LAJ database

No. 96 (May 31, 2013) at Osaka Shoin Women's University

  • SATO Ami: Expansion in the flexibility in use of the suffix -rahen in Koriyama City, Fukushima
  • Jason GINSBURG, Ian WILSON, KANEKO Emiko and OGASAWARA Naomi: Phonetic features of interrogatives in Aizu area dialects
  • NAKAZAWA Kohei: A synchronic and diachronic analysis of two-unit forms in the accentual system of the Nushima Dialect (Minami-Awaji City, Hyogo Pref.)
  • HARADA Koichi: Factors influencing the use of -te itadaku using poisson regression analysis: based on the data of 12 situation questions of the Okazaki Survey on Honorifics
  • TSUDA Satoshi: The meaning of V-yoru in western Japanese dialects
  • NIINAGA Yuto: The plural markers in Yuwan (Northern Ryukyuan) and the effect of the Animacy Hierarchy on them
  • SAKIHARA Masashi: Modality of the sentence-final particles doː and jaː in the Shuri Dialect, Central Okinawan
  • OGINO Chisako: The grammar of the humble form honorific: Miyara Dialect (Ishigaki Island) and Classical Japanese

No.95 (November 2, 2012) at Toyama University

  • Presentation
    • SHIMIZU Yukichi: The translation of Gotaru in the Kyusyu dialect
    • ARITA Setsuko and EGUCHI Tadashi: A contrastive study of tense in conditionals between Saga and Jojima dialects
    • ABE Takahito, YONEDA Masato, SATO Ryoichi, SATO Kazuyuki and MIZUNO Yoshimichi: Survey of standardization in Tsuruoka, Japan -- Comparison of four surveys at 20-years intervals --
    • FUDANO Kazuo: Analysis of a dialect landscape in official bodies by the use of the theory of Pierre Bourdieu -- Concerning the dialect catch phrases to publicize the Lay Judge System --
    • TASHIRO Tatsuya: Differences in the occurrence of dative cases in South-Central Okinawan
    • OTSUKI Tomoyo: The verbalizing suffix "garu" in Tsugaru Japanese
    • YAMAOKA Kanako: Accent in the Awaji-island dialect -- Differences of the tendency and degree of accent change --
    • NAKASHIMA Yoshimitsu: On the exceptional accents of verbs in the Tsutsu dialect in Izuhara Town, Tsushima City
  • Symposium for the 50th anniversary of Yanagita Kunio's death: The dialectology of greeting expressions: a look at Yanagita's Everyday Words
    • MACHI Hiromitsu: The system of greeting expressions
    • NAKANISHI Taro: The usage of greeting expressions
    • TAJIMA Masaru: The history of greeting expression
    • KOBAYASHI Takashi: The thought process of greeting expressions

No.94 (May 18, 2012) at Chiba University

  • NOMA Jumpei: Noda in the Osaka dialect: noya, neya, and nen
  • HARADA Koichi: Questionnaire study on euphonic te-form of the verb "iu" among young people in the Tokyo metropolitan area: focusing on "yuute (mo)" in sentence-initial position
  • SAKAI Masashi: Taigu hyougen in Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture -- the usage in regions which employ various forms of taigu hyougen --
  • TOKUNAGA Akiko: Geographical distribution of onomatopoeia in Amami-Okinoerabu island
  • NAKAHARA Jo: The assertive non-past form in the Ryukyuan dialects
  • GI Fukuko and ISHIYAMA Rie: Use and perception of dialects in earthquake and tsunami reconstruction slogans
  • SAKAKI Mika and KOHARA Yujiro: Production and distribution of dialect leaflets for supporters and its utility
  • SHIRAIWA Hiroyuki: A challenge to collect conversation data talking about earthquake disaster
  • TAKEDA Koko: Dialect dictionary for smooth medical communication -- the contents of Tohoku hogen onomatope yorei-shu (Usage examples of mimetic vocabulary in Tohoku dialects)
  • TATSUKI Toshihisa, KAWAGOE Megumi, SHIINA Shoko, UCHIMA Soshun and SATO Ami: Documentation and preservation of dialects in the disaster zone of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami
  • TSUDA Satoshi and KOBAYASHI Takashi: What the dialect researcher can do and should do in the face of the disaster
  • NAKANISHI Taro: An attempt for the construction of the information network, "Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake and dialectology"

No.93 (October 21, 2011) at Kochi University

  • YOSHIDA Kenji¡§Is it possible to define "the dialects with Falling-shiki" in terms of its phonetic properties?
  • HARADA Soichiro¡§On the adjective of Kuroshima dialect of Yaeyama Ryukyuan
  • NAKANISHI Taro¡§A study of regional differences of greeting expressions; Focusing on morning encounters
  • HAYANO Shingo and MIYATA Yoshie: The classification of sweets in Miyazaki dialect
  • NAKADA Toshio and KAKO Tamaki: The change of the term about "the chalk eraser"
  • HIKIDA Tsutomu and SUZUKI Dai: Linguistic geography of local names of Japanese turtles and their shells
  • TAKEDA Koko¡§Discovery of East-West dialect boundary; A contrastive study of the colloquial method research report and boundary maps of East-West grammatical usage
  • TANAKA Nobuhiro¡§The great ability of regional dialects; Encoreging words in dialects and the methods of econolinguistics

No.92 (May 27, 2011) at Konan University

  • NAKAZAWA Kohei: Fusion of particles 'ga' and 'wa' in Awaji-island dialect and its phonological interpretation
  • TOYAMA Nana: The derivation of transitive/intransitive verbs and the semantic structure of causative constructions in the Shuri Yamagawa dialect of Okinawa
  • KANAYAMA Daisuke: A comparison of dialects with simple negation and promoted negation
  • TAKAYAMA Rintaro: The bilabial trill of Senoh dialect in Okayama Prefecture
  • KAWAGOE Megumi : Onomatopoeic words of 'guira' and 'botto' system in Yamagata Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture : From strength of concrete descriptiveness
  • NAKAO Hisako: Origin of the botanical name for "TAMPOPO"(dandelion)
  • MAKI Keisei and NITTA Tetsuo: On the names of wind in Echizen district

No.91 (October 22, 2010) at Aichi University

  • NOJIMA Motoyasu: Resultative auxiliary verb -te-oku 'to put' in Zama/Sagamihara dialect
  • TAKAMI Azusa: A descriptive study of the sentence particle tte in Owari dialect
  • MORI Yuta and MIZUTANI Miho: The geographic and diachronic variations of directive expressions: Usages of imperative forms of honorific verbs
  • MURATA Mami: Characteristics in the pitch accents in the areas along the Yoshino River in Tokushima: Considering the geographical boundary of Keihan-type accents and Sanuki-type accents
  • TAKEDA Yoshiko: A study on accentuation change in young generation of the Osaka dialect: Observation phrases which consist of a Class 4 or 5 bimoraic noun and a bimoraic postpositional particle
  • SAKURAI Yoshiki: Old terms to refer to animals and insects in Suzuka area
  • ASAHI Yoshiyuki and Daniel LONG: A contact dialect in the plantation society in Hawaii: Koine Japanese in the recordings of Japanese immigrants in the late 19th century

No.90 (May 28, 2010) at Japan Women's University

  • Presentation
    • AOI Hayato: Vowel shift in Miyako Tarama
    • SAKAMOTO Michiharu, KANEKO Emiko, Ian WILSON, and YAMAUCHI Kazuaki: Formant analysis of Aizu area dialects
    • NAKATO Yasue: A study of transition of Japanese word accent in Japanese immigrant community in Paraguay: the case of immigrants from Hiroshima Prefecture and their family
    • KENNO Hisayuki: Aspects of the geographic distribution and dynamic propagation of the Hokkaido dialect
    • HAYASHI Naoki: The sentence-final particle appeared in Mikawa-Town dialect¡Çs data
    • KASA Mayumi: Derivative directions by telling socilally appropriate behavior
    • CHIEN Yuechen and SANADA Shinji: Linguistic changes in the dialectal form -n and the standard form -nai: The case of negation in Taiwan's Yilan Creole
    • MASE Yoshio, ENDO Akira, OHASHI Atsuo, and IDENO Kenji: The trace of new data about the dialect in Nagano Prefecture: The dialect study in 1910, the study about phoneme and colloquialism, and so on
  • Symposium: How Are Dialects Used in the 21st Century?
    • KIBE Nobuko (Chairperson): Introduction
    • MATSUKI Shigeru (Lecture): Working on dialect in psychotherapy: Dealing with "inside" and "outside" of the ego boundary and therapy/aid relation
    • IWAKI Hiroyuki: Various cases related to dialect in the medical scene
    • FUDANO Kazuo: Dialects in the court

No.89 (October 30, 2009) at Shimane University

  • CHIBA Takashi: On the distinction of "naru" by visibility in the Dialect of Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
  • SAKAKI Mika: Euphony of the S-ending Verb "kaesu" and the emergence of "kayasu"
  • YASUI Kazue: On the Osaka dialect employed by novelists from the Kanto area: The cases of Tanizaki Jun¡Çichiro and Satomi Ton
  • SHIGENO Hiromi: Honorifics in a Northern Amami Oshima dialect
  • OGINO Chisako: "Taboorun" in Yaeyama dialects follows the honor priority system, just as the Old Japanese honorific system did

No.88 (May 29, 2009) at Mukogawa Women¡Çs University

  • TANIGUCHI Yutaka: An attempt at compiling "The Tajima Dialect Dictionary"
  • SATO Kanna: The aspect system of the Higashimurogun dialect of Wakayama Prefecture
  • MAKINO Yukiko: The limits of using the imperative forms in the Osaka dialect: On "sei" "si", and "site"
  • FUNAKI Reiko: Dialect-switching in casual style: On the adoption of a second dialect and the factors behind code-switching
  • SHIRAIWA Hiroyuki: Sentence-final intonation of the Fukushima dialect: A view on its semantic description
  • TANABE Kazuko: On the formation of cyber-dialect as a sociolect: The grammaticalization and phonologization of "to-iuka"

No.87 (Nov 1, 2008) at Iwate University

  • BERSON Maxime: Study on the Murayama dialect of Yamagata Prefecture from the viewpoint of the emergence of young people's Japanese and traditional dialect blending
  • KUROKI Kunihiko: A study of conjunctive particle -tekara used by young speakers of Kyūshū dialect: On the geographical variations and development of use
  • NITTA Tetsuo: On the geminated consonants in the Antō dialect
  • IWAKI Hiroyuki: The regional lexical variation for expressing weariness and sickness: with a special focus on Toyama dialect
  • TORITANI Yoshifumi: Application of GIS technique to extract language change: a report of the panel survey of Hayakawadani Glottogram
  • KUMAGAI Yasuo: Visualization and analysis of the relationships among survey points on the linguistic atlases: An application of graph theory to the S&K network-method and an experiment of computer simulation
  • EGUCHI Yasuo: A research on Japanese language through Cyrillic documents recorded by N. P. Rezanov
  • TAKEDA Koko: Analysis of the second report by the National Language Survey Committee in the Meiji period
  • YAMAURA Harutsugu: The change of the yes/no answering system to the negative questions in Kesen dialect during the recent twenty years from 1988 to 2008

No.86 (May 16, 2008) at Nihon University

  • TERUKINA Eizo : Okinawa dialect etymology and the results (value & effect)
  • OKAMURA Takahiro : How to teach the characteristic pronunciation of dialects: the central vowels and glottalized consonants in the Tokunoshima dialect
  • IMAMURA Kahoru : The Education of Dialect and Standard Language in the Education of Japanese
  • ICHIHARA Takayasu : Prototype application for visual expression of prosody of Japanese dialects
  • ASAHI Yoshiyuki : Linguistic change in a Japanese language variety in Sakhalin: A case of the accentuation pattern of two-mora noun
  • TSUJI Kayoko, KIM Mijeong : Gokayama honorific system: 36 years after
  • HAYANO Shingo, TANAKA Risako : Changes in the single tier declension of an adjective in Miyazaki dialect: Its occurrence factors and present condition

No.85 (November 16, 2007) at Ryukyu University

  • FUKUSHIMA Chitsuko: Analysis of verb conjugation using a dialect corpus ; Based on The two thousand sentences of the Tokunoshima dialect
  • ROSA Mark: Kaida writing: Pictographs of the Yaeyama islands
  • HIRATSUKA Yusuke: Interrogative marker "kunai(ka)" that connects to non-negative verb form
  • KUMAGAI Yasuo: The linguistic atlas of Japan database
  • TSUDA Satoshi: Discourse analysis ; Aspect in Tokushima dialect ; The generation using "-yoru / -toru" in the positive sentence but using "-tenai" in the negative sentence
  • TAKAGI Chie, TOMOSADA Kenji : Dialect acquistion ; A case study of the use of interjections by a child in Osaka city
  • UCHIMA Soshun: A study of the change from m to w found in the Sani dialect of Amami ; Contrasted with the change from w to b found in the Sakishima dialect
  • NAKAYAMA Masahisa, HASUNUMA Atsuo, KUWANA Shota: How Omorososhi was written concerning Kaigo

No.84 (May 25, 2007) at Kansai University

  • HWANG YOUNG HEE: Existence expressions in remnant Japanese of Korean elders
  • SAKURAI Mami: The usage and generation difference of "-ttara" in the Yamagata city dialect
  • KONDO Sugaye: Akita dialect¡Çs potential expressions and their paradigm reshuffle
  • HAMANAKA Makoto,TAKEBAYASHI Akira: Introduction to /; a website for Linguistic Atlas
  • HIDAKA Mizuho: The difference of dialects reproduced by making the language change quick or slow
  • SAKURAI Yoshiki: Results of the research on local terms used in olden days to refer to freshwater fishes which inhabit Suzuka River Basin
  • SAITO Koji: A method to categorize phonetic rules by using quantitative analysis
  • SATO Takashi: Recommendation for developing teaching materials "Local dialects and the common language of Japan" by prefecture ; The contribution of dialect studies on the teaching of the Japanese language

No.83¡ÊNov. 10, 2006¡Ëat Okayama University

  • Presentation
    • SHIBATA Yasuko: On the pitch accent of Tsushima dialect, Nagasaki prefecture
    • HORITA Kouji, NITTA Tetsuo: Accent System of the Tsubota Dialect in Miyake Island
    • FUDANO Kazuo: The Role of Dialect in Court: From the Point of view of Clinical Linguistics
    • Daniel LONG: Wankya ga yaranba! Exploring the Linguistic Landscape of Amami from the Eyes of a Tourist
    • Wolfgang Wilhelm VIERECK: Onomastics and Dialectology
  • Symposium: On the Completion of "The Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects (GAJ)"
    • SATO Ryoichi ¡ÊChairperson¡Ë: Aims of the Symposium
    • SUGITO Seiju ¡Êlecture¡Ë: The History and the Prospects of the Dialectological Studies in the National Institute for Japanese Language
    • SANADA Shinji: The Start of "The Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects" --Tokyo 1975
    • ONISHI Takuichiro: The Significance of GAJ from the Editor's Viewpoint
    • YANAIKE Makoto: Origins and Future of Regional Verb Conjugations: A Meeting of Theory in The Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialect.

No.82¡ÊMay 12, 2006¡Ëat Tokyo-Gakugei University

  • HARADA Yui: On the grammatical function of the sentence final particle NE in Tsushima dialect
  • SAWAMURA Miyuki: A study of the social background of the formation of East-West division: using "shatei" as an example
  • HIRANO Ryohko: Language Awareness and Language Use by immigrants of Okinoerabu : Investigations in Kobe and Okinoerabu island
  • MIZUTANI Miho¡¤SAITO Miho: The extension of the use of the particle -nanka: Contact between Dialect and Standard Japanese in Amami Islands
  • MATAYOSHI Satomi: Original View on the function of the case particle indicating the tools, on Tsuken island in Okinawa prefecture in Japan
  • ICHIOKA Kayo: Change in the Usage and Meaning of "u" to Express Will and Conjecture in Toyama-city Dialect : From the viewpoint of Form differentiation
  • TAKAHASHI Nagayuki: An annual comparison of phonetic variation of '¡Áta'¡Ê¥¿¡Ë and '¡Átai'¡Ê¥¿¥¤¡Ë found in junior college students in Yamagata prefecture

No.81 (Nov 11, 2005) at Tohoku University

  • SHIRAIWA Hiroyuki: "Bai" in the dialect of Koriyama City: focusing on new transformation in view of "Confirmation-Seeking Expression"
  • SAKAMOTO Yukihiro: The irregular verb ku 'eat' in the Tsugaru dialect
  • TATSUKI Toshihisa: On the meaning of the sentence final particle nzu in the Goshogawara dialect, Aomori prefecture
  • ABE Takahito: Style-shift of accent in case of Hirosaki dialect speaker
  • TAKEDA Koko: The Changes of the Tense-Aspect form in Dialects of Tohoku District
  • KIBE Nobuko, KISHIE Shinsuke, NAKAI Seiichi, MATSUNAGA Shuichi, FUKUSHIMA Shinji and TORTITANI Yoshifumi: Issues in Studies of Dialectal Sounds

No.80 (May 27, 2005) at Konan University

  • Presentation
    • ARAI Saeko: Figurative Uses of Sericultural Terms in the Dialect of Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture
    • SHIBATA Tomoyuki: The function of wa as a first person pronoun in Tsugaru Dialect: In case of young people in Hirosaki
    • HIKOSAKA Yoshinobu: Four Types of Quasi-nominal Particles in the Japanese Dialects
    • MATSUURA Toshio: On the tone of Sino-Japanese two-morpheme compounds in Shimabara dialect
    • TAKADA Mieko: Regional and Generational Variations of VOT in Initial Voiced Plosives: in the Tohoku-Kanto Area
    • YAMAURA Harutsugu, M. D. : Translation of the Holy Gospels from the original ancient Greek into Kesenese, the dialect of the southeastern region of Iwate prefecture
    • SHINOHARA Reiko: The Consciousness and Reality of Honorifics Usage: the example of Himeji Dialect te-honorific users
    • FUDANO Kazuo: Dialectal Education Theory: The role of dialect as clinical linguistics
  • Symposium: Exploration of unknown regional differences in dialects
    • KOBAYASHI Takashi (coordinator) and SHINOZAKI Koichi (Chairperson): The aim of the symposium "Exploration of the unknown regional differences"
    • SHINOZAKI Koichi: Regional differences in means of exercitives
    • OZAKI Yoshimitsu: Regional differences in the selection of honorific expressions
    • OKI Hiroko: Regional differences in speech
    • TOMOSADA Kenji: "Tachiage-shi" and its regional differences
    • SAWAKI Motoei: Regional differences in peripheral factors
  • Poster Session: Exploration of unknown regional differences in dialects
    • YAMATO Shigemi: Regional differences in the ways people hear pitches
    • ASAHI Yoshiyuki, OTA Ichiro, NIKAIDO Hitoshi, MATSUDA Kenjiro, TAKANO Shoji and KATAOKA Kuniyoshi: New dimensions in dialectology: Analyzing speech communities from a perspective of linguistic and social typology
    • SAWAMURA Miyuki and KOBAYASHI Takashi: When do you say "Ouch!"
    • OKADA Shohei and IDENO Akiko: The possibility of research on the regional differences of "Standard Japanese" using Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese: Taking the language variations of yahari as an example
    • HIDAKA Koichiro: The geographical spread and more common usage of a new honorific expression, -sarete kudasai

No.79 (November 12, 2004) at Kumamoto University

  • HATA Sayaka: The alternation of voiced and voiceless consonants in Fukushima Dialect
  • YAMAMOTO Tomomi: Potential expressions in the Futaminotazaki-machi Dialect, Kumamoto, Japan
  • MATSUDA Mika: The structure of meanings in expressions of potentiality and ability in the Oita Dialect
  • IDENO Akiko, OKADA Shohei, KORI Shiro: The Osaka Dialect for Kyoto people and the Kyoto Dialect for Osaka people: Shared and Unshared knowledge about each other's dialects
  • IWAKI Hiroyuki, MURAKAMI Keiichi: Construction of the Constructing a Model of "Kansai Dialect Acceptance" for the region between Okayama City and Southwest of Hyogo Prefecture: the state of communities and population shift
  • ASAHI Yoshiyuki, YOSHIOKA Yasuo, AIZAWA Masao: Regional differences in administrative communication: A case of the local government officials
  • SHIINA Shoko: A study of the regional distribution of lyrics in Japanese lullabies: with special reference to threatening and "spoiling" expressions
  • OGINO Tsunao: A nation-wide survey of dialectal forms using the WWW

No.78 (May 21, 2004) at Jisse Women's University

  • SAKAI Miyuki: The Japanese language variety in Hawaii: With a particular attention on potential expressions
  • SUGIURA Shigeko: On the function of "conclusive form + da/desu" in the Tottori Dialect
  • NIKAIDO Hitoshi: Aspect in the Fukuoka Dialect: In the discourse data
  • TANAKA Nobuhiro: Actual use and users' consciousness of a Japanese adverb "IZURE" in regional dialects of Iwate
  • NITTA Tetsuo : Long vowels of adjective stems in some Japanese dialects
  • YAMATO Shigemi: Changes in the opposition of accent types (shiki) among young speakers in the Kansai region
  • YEO Ken: Some features of dialectal trilingualism: Case study of a speaker who migrated from the Tarui Dialect Accent's area to the Osaka region
  • KAWAKAMI Shin: Accent pattern and tonephrase pattern

No.77 (November 14, 2003) at Shinshu University

  • SAKUTA Shozaburo: Words for "Rice-Bran" in Eastern Tohoku Dialects from the perspective of the books on famine from the Edo Period
  • TORITANI Yoshifumi: Composition and analysis of linguistic maps with the use of GIS application software: Materials in the Linguistic Atlas of Osaka Prefecture
  • ISHII Hiroyuki, HIDAKA Mizuho: Range of dialect variants in the keyword search of the CD-ROM Akita Dialect Dictionary
  • MIZUTANI Miho: Semantic narrowing of the honorific verbs: irassharu, oideru, gozaru, and mieru
  • NAGASAWA Itsuki: Forms of potentials in the Shikine-jima Dialect
  • YOSHIDA Masaaki: The usage of ke as sentence-final form in Tohoku Dialect
  • ARASHI Yoko: The development of metalinguistic awareness of syllabic morae in case of young children in Hukaura
  • NASU Akio, YOSHINAGA Akane: On the tone preservation rule of younger speakers of Keihan Dialect
  • KORI Shiro: Acoustic characteristics of typical Tokyo and Osaka pronunciation
  • YARIMIZU Kanetaka: Dynamics of standardization by age and area in Tohoku and Hokkaido
  • NAKAI Seiichi, Daniel LONG, HASHIMOTO Naoyuki, ASAHI Yoshiyuki: Dialect contact in a south seas plantation society: Based on fieldwork on Minami Daito- Jima


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